Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Going Private...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Week 9 Already?!?
Well last week wasn't really eventful... I had a few errands to run and Reagan had a weight check. She is still tiny, at 16lbs 14oz and 27 inches. But she can really hold her own with DJ. DJ loves to try and pick her up. It scares the crap out of me because i don't want him to drop her.
The other day i bought a cookbook from Sam's Club and have been making some yummy dinners! On Sunday i made Chicken with Mushroom Sauce *pictured* and last night i made Pork Chops with Raspberry Glaze. They were very yummy!!!
This morning i heard DJ laughing so i went in the room and found them like this:
I guess DJ wanted to lay with Reagan and wake her up. I love how they play together and when Reagan is crying DJ will try and bring her her binkie, blanket, or bottle :) They really love each other!
Reagans hair really needs to start growing. She is rocking this "Flock of Seagulls" hair do, I think it is hilarious, but it sticks straight up... lol
I am having a few specials at my Online Boutique so go check them out!!!!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Tag... Your It!
3 things you're looking forward to in the next year
1.DJ's Birthday
2. Reagan's Birthday
3 TV shows you're addicted to...
1. The Secret Life Of The American Teenager
2. Las Vegas
3 of your favorite Drinks
1. Sweet Tea
3. Orange Juice (only Simply Orange)
3 places you would love to visit
1. Juno
1. Bra
1. My dad
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day :) Week 8
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Potty Training & Funny Faces
Monday, March 9, 2009
Forgot to add....
Fresno Zoo Week 7 part 2 :)
When we got there DJ did really well and looked at the animals. We came up on a tortoise and DJ was so amazed! He kept trying to say turtle and all he got out was "tudle".
DJ lasted about 10 minutes in the stroller then he wanted OUT! So I was walking with him and he was doing great then he started chasing the squirrels and waving bye to them when they took off.. i couldn't stop laughing! He loved watching the seals!
He was a little scared of the flamingos..lol
Here is dj showing his wing span with one of the birds.. I love this picture of him!
We went into the petting zoo part and he went up and pulled the goats ear... i thought he was gonna get bit or something but the goat just turned his head.
We were leaving the petting zoo and we needed DJ in the stroller and he fell to the ground and had a major temper tantrum. People kept looking at me cause i wasn't going to give in to his tantrums. So he just layed on the ground till he was done, then got in the stroller.
We were looking for his "B" binkie, and we couldn't find it ANYWHERE! We tore that stroller apart and there was no B... So he screamed and cried for about 15 minutes. we went to the gift shop to see if they might sell them... Nope! Finally i found one that Reagan was hiding under her butt. So he rocked a purple B for the rest of the trip! lol and Reagan was in such a good mood the whole time and was just amazed by all of the animals!
He was happy after he got his Icee and this was him on the way home :)
Super Duper Week 7 part 1 ;)
This past week was a busy one! Had a lot of Tutu & Boysie Orders to do. I'm so glad that my online business is picking up! My new site is http://www.mysweetbabyboutique.com/ Check it out and sign my Guestbook!
I took the kids to my dads this past week and DJ decided to try and get into my dads gun safe. My dad opened it and DJ took one of his guns out **It was unloaded** and he was having a hard time holding it... lol Reagan also got some exercise in ;)
DJ loves to play outside with the dogs when we are at my dads also. So i bundled up Reagan and we went out into the backyard and let DJ play. Reagan was having fun just watching DJ and playing with the keys. She just got done eating so she had a messy face.
Reagan is now pulling herself up in her crib and tries to jump. DJ gets in there and plays with her. I was doing laundry and had both of them in the crib and DJ kept jumping and falling and Reagan will laugh hysterically! I was cracking up! And check out DJ's Cheezy Smile!!!
I got this picture of Reagan when she was sucking on my rice crispy treat the other day and i realized that i have a picture of DJ just like that!