Thursday, February 25, 2010


I have been MIA because my computer is locked and I cant get into it...

So we are waiting for the reinstallation disk to come in the mail and reboot our computer.. Which means Im going to lose a lot of stuff... =(

Im so mad...

Good news is that we are leaving for Tennessee in 2.5 weeks!!! Im so excited to see my gramma, aunt, uncle and cousins!!!!!!

Have a great week!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

What a crazy week...

Wow what a crazy week its been...

My Baby Girl and I about 10 minutes before I went into surgery...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

My Hospital/Surgery Story Part 2...

I woke up around 6:30am and called Dave to let him know that surgery was still on and set for 10:30am. I told Dave that I wanted to see the kids before I went into surgery and so he brought them in around 9:45am. I gave them lots of hugs and kisses, I missed them so much! DJ kept asking me if I was okay and said that I had owie's on my arm where my IV was. He was so scared to see me like that, he started crying =(

After visiting with the family and Shannon, the nurse came in and said that they were calling for me for surgery. I got to the Pre Op area at about 10:30am. I talked with a nurse and he asked me all different types of questions. He said that he would be by my side at all times and then he rolled me into the OR. When I got rolled into that room I got so nervous. They had me scoot from one bed to the other, Once I was on the operating table, the anesthesiologist came in and said that he was going to give me some happy juice, I said "Okay!" The other nurse and I were talking and he said that my nails were cute and I laughed and told him that my toes matched.. And that was the LAST thing I remember....

The next thing I remember is them yelling in my face "Breanna, you need to breathe", "Breathe Breanna, Breathe and open your eyes".... Apparently I was having a really hard time coming out of anesthesia and my oxygen levels were really low. I was also really congested and that didn't help any, And my throat was really sore from the tube they had down my throat. Finally after about 20 minutes I was starting to breath somewhat on my own. I still had the nasal cannula in my nose and that was at 30%. I was finally stable enough to go back to my room =)

I get wheeled into my room and Dave, DJ & Reagan are all there waiting for me =) Dave and the kids got me some beautiful pink roses and my gramma sent me a beautiful bouquet of assorted Daisies and Carnations in a basket. My gramma is so thoughtful and I love her so much! Once I was stable and everything, Dave and the kids left so they could go take a nap. I asked Dave if he ever wanted to switch positions and he be a SAHDad... He said Hell No! and he has no idea how I do it! =)

After the kids left I got a shot of morphine and zolfran and I passed out. Around 4:30pm my dad came in to see me and he started poking my feet because I was sleeping, hoping that would wake me up. lol We visited for about 10 minutes and then I called my gramma on his cell to let her know that I was doing okay. My dad said that I was lucky that he visited me because he just doesn't visit anyone in the hospital.. lol he is such a dork =)

Around 5pm I got food!!! I had never been so happy in my life to see food! I wasn't able to ear or drink anything since Tuesday evening.. My friend Shannon and her boyfriend came by later that night to see me and see how I was doing. The switched my pain meds from Morphine every 2 hours to Norco every 4 hours. That was painful! The norco wasn't kicking in as fast as the morphine was, so I had to be patient. I slept pretty good that night, waking up every 4 hours for my pain meds...

Yesterday I was so happy that I was able to go home! I just didn't know that it wouldn't be until 8pm last night. I was able to see my staples and figure out how to change the dressing on them. I have to call Dr. Surgery's office on Monday and make an appt to have them removed. I had some of the worst nurses last night, It took me 1/2 hour longer to get my pain meds and they would never answer their call phones. They were young nurses and flirted with the guys that were cleaning the rooms. Seriously?!? i was getting so mad!!!

8:00pm rolls around and Dr. Surgery came in and asked if I wanted to go home.. Of course I said YES!!! So he got all my paper work together and talked about the surgery. He said that they took out my gallbladder at a really good time because it was really "inflamed and broken" So I'm so glad I went to the ER when I did...

I'm home now and trying to relax, but its kinda hard when my husband is working and I have 2 little ones that are sick with coughs and runny noses... I have to take them to the dr's on Monday and get them their medicine =(

Thank you for all of your thoughts, prayers, phone calls & flowers!!!

The Hospital/Surgery Story... Part 1

It all started on Thursday, I wasn't feeling well and my throat was starting to hurt. I bought some cough medicine and left it at that. When I woke up Saturday, I started to get a sinus infection and my cough had turned into a horrible sore throat and a nasty wet cough. So I went to the store and bought some NyQuil and some Robitussin hoping that will hopefully fix what was going on with me.

Super Bowl Sunday I started to feel a lot of upper abdominal pain and thought that I might be coming down with the flu or something, so we left my dads house and came home and finished watching the super bowl here and then went to bed. Tuesday rolls around and I am in excruciating pain, I can barely walk and cried when I had to get up to make the kids food, wipe DJ's butt or change Reagan's diaper. About midnight I couldn't take it anymore and woke Dave up to tell him that I was going to drive myself to the ER and hopefully find out why I was in so much pain.

I got to the ER about 1am on Wednesday morning and told them that I was having severe upper abdominal pain and have been sick for a few days. I get put in a room and told to get a night gown on. I did leave my sweats on though.. lol So I lay on the bed and the Dr tells me to position my knees up, that way my stomach muscles were relaxed. He told me to take a deep breath and right when he put his hand on my skin right below my rib cage, I Screamed so bad! So he brought in his U/S machine and he told me that it sounded like I might have a Gall Stone. Well sure enough right after he said that he found a Gall Stone on the u/s machine. He wanted to make sure there weren't anymore so he scheduled me a full u/s along with some blood work, urine and chest x ray.

After the nurse gets my IV in and draws some blood, The Dr comes back with worse news. I have 2 Gall Stones and fluid around my gallbladder. The told me that I was being admitted and was going to have my gal bladder removed within the next 24 hours. They start giving me morphine for the pain and said that the surgeon would be in around 6am to talk with me about the surgery. Dave got to the hospital around 7-7:30am and my dad took the kids to his house.

I finally got moved into a patient room around 9am and was finally in a comfy bed. Shannon showed up around 9:30am, she would have been there sooner but she went to the wrong hospital.. lol ooops! So dave had to go run errands and then head back to work since my dad was going to watch the kids all day. I was getting Morphine/Duiloted every 2 hours in the ER and when I was moved up to my room I started getting just the morphine every 2 hours for pain and Zolfran every 4 hours for nausea. I kept dosing off and tried to take a nap, but everytime I closed my eyes there were nurses in my face asking how my pain is... etc

I had dave bring the kids up wed night so I was able to say good night to them, I missed them so very much! DJ didnt want anything to do with me because I had IV's in my arm and was in a weird bed, but Reagan wanted to climb into bed with me and just cuddle =) I said good night to the kids and after they left I cried =(

Finally around 7:30pm Dr. Surgeon comes in and talks about what he thinks and that he wants to take my gallbladder out in the morning. He talked step by step and how the surgery will go, I was so nervous. I had such wonderful nurses there to calm my nerves. I signed all the paperwork and was ready for surgery in the morning.

Thursday rolls around and its Surgery Day!

Home from the hospital

Finally home...

Going to start writing my story out...

Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

In the hospital...

I am in the hospital right now.. Been here since 1am wednesday morning.

I am going into surgery in about an hour to remove my Galbladder...

Thoughts and Prayers are needed =)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Busted Lip and Big Boy Bed =)

Poor Reagan was running into our room and she tripped and face planted onto the frog potty =( She cried and cried for a good 20 minutes... Its finally looking better. This happened a few days ago..

My poor baby girl =(

DJ and his New Big Boy Twin Bed!!! I was going to get him Toy Story Bedding but I couldnt find any Bed in a Box ones anywhere, So we went to target and let DJ pick out what he wanted...

He picked CARS!!!

Reagan loved laying in his big bed with him!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Flasback *Thursday*

New Your with My sister and The Naked Cowboy!
Me and My Baby Sister (I was 17 & A was 1 1/2)
Senior Pics c/o 2002
♥ Brittney, Me, A ♥ Sisters ♥
Senior Pics again 2002

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

DJ's 1 Year Ear Check Up...

Dave took DJ to his 1 year check up for his tubes on Monday and came home with some great news!

The tubes did their job!

The tubes have fallen out but they are resting in his ear canals, The Dr didn't want to go in and get them because DJ hates having his ears touched and he gets very squirmy. Dr said that they will make their way out eventually.

They did a few hearing tests, one of which DJ had to wear head phones and put blocks in a bucket every time he heard a sound. He got 100% on that one and did great on the other tests.

He can now go swimming and get his ears wet. So this summer we will be in the pool as long as he doesn't have anymore ear infections!!!

Also his speech is getting a lot better since he started his Speech Therapy Sessions. I cant believe how much he has learned in just the 3-4 months of his Speech Therapy! We already have an appt with the school district for his ST after he turns 3 years old, because after 3 years old they can go through the school district for Speech Therapy. Also he got bumped up to the top of the list for Early Head Start!!!

I'm just so proud of him and all the work that he is doing!

I'm a Winner!

I won a $100 Gift Certificate for PajamaGram!!

For those that dont know what that is, you can go here and check them out!

I follow Misty And she was having a fun Giveaway! She is such a fun blogger! She even Models for Pajamagram!! How fun is that?!?

Thank you so much Misty!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

How I Potty Trained DJ...

I have been getting a lot of emails from friends about how I potty trained DJ, So I thought I would blog about it.

To start things off I took DJ to Target and let him pic out his own potty and some super cool big kid underwear. He picked out a Frog Potty and some Cars Underwear. When we got home I took off all of his clothes and let him run around an get a feel of being diaper less. We started this in March, After a few days he was not interested anymore. So we just played it by ear.

In June we decided to try again, and brought out his frog potty. He would love to sit on it but would never go. One day I decided to introduce stickers and a sticker chart and he would get to put a sticker on his chart when he went potty. We also up'd his liquids so he would pee more often. One day he finally went potty and we praised him and he got a sticker. He was so excited and proud of himself that he kept sitting on the frog and trying to push out as much pee as he could.

I would sit him on the frog about every 30 minutes, and keep him there for 3-5 minutes. Whenever he would pee he would get so excited. We had a few accidents but he picked it up pretty quick. Everyone says that boys are a lot harder to potty train but every child is different. DJ started wearing underwear all day, and would stay dry during nap time.

The main thing about potty training is to just be patient with them. This is all new and if your child doesn't like change then it might take a little longer. We are still using overnight diapers for DJ when he sleeps at night, that is because he is always waking up soaking wet.

So the things you are going to need are:

A Potty or Seat for your Toilet. (DJ was very intimidated by the toilet in the beginning)
10-15 pairs of underwear.
Clorox Wipes.
Stickers/Sticker Chart.
M&M's (a lot of people do this as a prize for going in the potty, we just stuck with stickers)
Patience, Patience, Patience....

Good Luck!!!

We are going to start really PT'ing Reagan when we get back from Tennessee in March.

Happy 2 Year Blogiversary

2 Years of Blogging!

Go Me!!!

1 year check up...

DJ has his 1 year check up with his ENT Dr. I cant believe it has been a year since he got his tubes in.

The tubes were and still are a god send. He can hear so much better and is talking a lot more, especially with the speech therapy.

Cant wait to hear how much his ears and hearing has gotten!!!