Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Date Coupons!

Since things have been so chaotic lately, I saw something called Date Coupons online a few months ago.. Last week I realized that I haven't been spreading my time with each kiddo equally. I try to alternate between D and Regs, but it always backfires.. I think Allen gets the most time since he is home with me for 3 hours when the older two are in school..

So I thought I would make some of my own "Date Coupons" for the kids.. I made seven for me and seven for Dave. Plus a Surprise one and a Blank one for each...
I tried to make them simple and not expensive. So on April 1st, I am going to print, cut and put them in envelopes. I'm then going to mix them all up and let D & Regs pick and envelope one at a time until they are gone. We will then open them up and see what they have!!

I printed a blank month calendar sheet, that way I can put our dates on that. I will also put all of them in my EC planner. Love that thing!

So here are the previews! Click on the pdf below to see the whole package!

Click here for the PDF!

Let me know how you like them! If you do use them, leave me a comment and let me know how your dates went!



Kerry said...

This is such a sweet idea! Thanks so much for sharing with us, I will let you know how our dates turn out :)

Nicole said...

This is a fabulous idea! I think I will be doing this one.