Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Yesterday, Allen, Reagan and I were in an accident.. And it basically shook me to my core.

Allen is doing okay. He has a little mark on his neck/shoulder from his car seat straps. 

Reagan is very upset. She cried a lot and even had nightmares last night. 

Both kids have appts so the dr can check them out..

This is what happens when you t-bone a 90 year old man who basically ran a stop sing...

I on the other hand had to go to the er last night. After x-rays and lots of drugs, I was was released. I have a mild concussion and whiplash. My back is also bruised..

Thank you to all of my friends who have prayed and also helped us out.. 
We greatly appreciate it!!



Kerry said...

Hey Breanna! I am so sorry to read this, you must have been so shook up and frightened :( So glad you and your sweet kiddos are doing ok, hopefully you get your car fixed asap too!

Nicole said...

And this is why old people should be required to take the driving test as they get older!

We live near a retirement community, and you wouldn't believe the stuff we see.