Tuesday, September 14, 2010

L&D Trip with Baby Allen....

Yesterday I started to get really crampy so I decided to take a shower and while in the shower I threw up *yuck, i know*. I couldn't even make it to the toilet it came so fast. Got out of the shower and laid down. When i went to the bathroom I noticed that I was spotting. I got scared because dh and i haven't dtd in over a week so that couldn't have been why.

So I called my Dr's after hours line and the Dr that was on call at the hospital called me and said to come into L&D to get monitored because they were concerned about the spotting and cramping together. So I get to the hospital and get lost because it has been over 2 years since i had been there and they remodeled. Finally get up to L&D and they take me to a room and get me hooked up to the monitors. The nurse said that since I'm only 23 weeks they might not be able to get baby's HB on the monitor but once she put that thing on my belly it picked up his HB right away =)

They did the FFN test, checked me and sent my urine down to have it tested. I was 2cm, the FFN test was negative and my urine came back okay. They did an u/s to make sure my cervix was not in the danger zone and my cervix is okay. The nurse kept running into my room because baby would move and the monitor would lose his HB. She was a little freaked, I think she was new. I was having contractions/cramping anywhere from 5-15 minutes apart and were not that strong.

My dr office called me and checked on me. I went in and my dr checked me and I am between 1-2cm. He said that since my cramping and spotting has stopped we are going to wait and see. If it does come back he might want to put a cerclage in until I get past the "viability" mark, which I think he said 25/26 weeks. Im 23 weeks but baby is measuring almost 25 weeks. I was looking up cerclages and they dont really go past 24 weeks, So hopefully everything stops and baby will stay put for at least another 10-12 weeks..

So for now I am on bed rest (relaxing when I can) and we are just doing the waiting game. I will definitely keep you all posted if anything else happens..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh gosh! You had me REALLY worried there, esepcially when I read you were 2cm and contracting semi-regularly.
Hopefully bedrest does the trick for now and they can keep that little man inside for longer.
TECHNICALLY, the baby is viable at 24 weeks, but he would need to be on ventilation and all kinds of other support. Babies born after 30 weeks tend to do just fine (usually they have CPAPs but other than that they just have to grow!)
I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers!