Saturday, February 2, 2013

Looking for Birth Parents..

Well, here we are…

We have finally turned to social media..

Dave and I have been on the search for his Birth Parents for a few years now. Every time we get close to any answers or anything important, we get hit with a dead end. So now it’s your turn to help us!

This is my husband David. He was adopted when he was about a month old. His Birth Mother and Birth Father were both college students. In the packet he received, it said that his BM had joined the Air Force right after she gave birth. We have information on them regarding their family history and their extracurricular activities, but nothing with their names on it. We do know that his BM loved to play sports and his BF loved music. Dave was in band in high school and has played soccer for over 20 years. It’s so amazing what we inherit from our parents.

Dave wants to know his BP’s. He has wanted to know for years. We have finally decided that now was a great time to bring in social media. I have posted on my Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest.

It’s amazing and so heartwarming that within 14 hours, our picture had been shared over 700 times. It makes me want to cry… I am so thankful for friends and strangers who are willing to share my husband’s picture. When we started our family, we had no idea what Dave’s side had. It was sad when my ob put “ADOPTED” on the “fathers history” spot. I wanted to know what his birth family had and if it would affect our children. 

Dave's parents have always been supportive with him wanting to find his Birth Parents. So here are the stats:

Born on December 8, 1981 at Enloe Hospital in Chico, Ca. 
His name was either Nicholas Home or that might be the Children's Home he was in.
Birth Mother's Birth Date is October 1957.
Birth Father's Birth Date is March 1959.
Birth Mother joined the U.S.A.F. soon after having David.

If you have any information or might know someone who does, please email me at


1 comment:

MoodyMoments said...

I, too, was adopted and just started a blog about it..I've searched for over 30 years. Good luck to all of us! xoxo