Thursday, November 11, 2010

I think Allen is in a hurry....

To come into this world...

I had to go to L&D the other night because I was having contractions every 5-7 minutes for a few hours. I called my dad and he came over and watched the kids for us while we went. When we got there, I got hooked up to all of the monitors and was asked the usual questions. They monitored me for about an hour and I had 6 good contractions. My nurse gave me the ffn test and that came back negative, so I am safe for at least a few more weeks. She also checked me and I am at a good 2cm and my cervix is soft and thinning. Contractions were still coming so they gave me a shot of Terbutaline. I hate that shot, it gives me the shakes so bad. After about 10 minutes the contractions were dying and things were looking good. My nurse came in and said that if I didn't have any contractions for 45 minutes, she would let me go home. About 50 minutes later I was signing my discharge papers.

I have had a strong feeling this whole pregnancy that this little guy will make his appearance between 34-36 weeks. So maybe these contractions are just the beginning of something, who knows. But I'm supposed to be on some sort of bed rest but I have no idea how to do that with a 3 year old in preschool and a 2 year old. So I'm trying to take it easy....


Unknown said...

Bedrest with a 2 year old and 3 year old.... yeah right! Just take it easy and avoid doing anything extra {that you don't HAVE to do}.
I'm interested to see now if this turns into something!! Keep us posted!

Unknown said...

Lots of time outs? Good luck with the rest! We are due at the same time.